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In order to ensure effective monitoring of Equal Opportunities data, please click here and respond as fully as you are able:

Rothamsted Research operates a policy of equality of opportunity and fair treatment in employment in line with the Equality Act 2010. All applications will be treated on their merits regardless of race, colour, ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, marital status, or disability.

Codes of practice issued by Equal Opportunities bodies recommend that employers monitor their recruitment and employment practices to ensure that their policies are working effectively.

This information will be used solely for monitoring purposes. It will not be seen by those who are shortlisting or interviewing candidates. Information provided will be stored securely and confidentially.


If you have a medical condition, the Equality Act 2010 requires employers to make reasonable adjustments to the job content or working environment.

Definition of Disability:

“A physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities in a non-work environment.”

Compliance with GDPR
We are committed to respecting your privacy. Rothamsted’s privacy notice explains how we may use personal information we collect before, during and after your working relationship with us. The notice explains how we comply with the law on data protection and what your rights are for the purposes of data protection. A copy of the Privacy Notice for Employees, Workers, Directors and Consultants can be seen here